Bow-legs, also known as genu varum, can at times occur naturally in children in the developmental stage and below the age of three years. It involves the bending of one or both legs via either the tibia (called shin bone) or the femur (called thigh bone). Treatment only becomes essential if this condition does not wear off with age. Of course, it is not often easy to determine whether one’s child is going to have bow legs beyond the permissible age of around 3 years. But, it is certainly possible to apply the methods discussed below in order to prevent bow legs from worsening or even occurring in the first place.
Timely observation
If you notice your child has an unusual gait and style of walking and has bow legs within the first three years of age, then it is nothing to worry about. That said, if this is observed to continue beyond the age of three years, then one must not hesitate in consulting a pediatrician right away. For this purpose, regular check-ups of children with bow-legs is a must, to ensure prompt treatment (usually using medical braces) if the situation begins to get out of hand and does not resolve on its own.
Vitamin D
Adequate vitamin D levels in the diet are an important factor in preventing a bone disease called Rickets. This same vitamin also happens to be an important ingredient in potentially preventing a child from developing bow legs. Even in children who already have bow legs, there is a good chance of preventing the condition from continuing past the age of 3 years, as long as it is diagnosed and treated in time. This treatment involves simply supplementing the child’s diet with vitamin D. This becomes crucially important if tests show that the child is actually suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.
Medical Braces: a useful tool
No one wants to use surgery to correct bow legs, and medical braces aren’t really an option most people would like to go in for either. The use of braces for a child are only necessary if the child’s bow legs refuse to straighten out on their own. Braces might become crucial if there are serious disorders contributing to or causing the bow legs.
Timely treatment can prevent complicated consequences
There can be catastrophic repercussions for not treating bow legs in a timely and appropriate manner. The nature of this condition causes the legs and knees to change shape in such a way that it puts a tremendous strain on the joints, causing severe aches in the joints of the knees, as well as ankles and hip. All of this, in turn, can become the precursor to a person developing arthritis later in life. And the reason for that is purely the immense grinding and wearing off of these joints during the growing-up years. That is why treating a child suffering from bow legs in a timely manner is critically important in the long term.
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